Focus and clarity

Clematis m.jpg

🌿Clarity. Something that I’m enjoying in my thoughts, in my space and life. With clematis flower in the center, this painting is all about clear focus while allowing things to happen in their way. 
Its eight petals are spreading organically.  Together they create a relaxed symmetry. 
As I painted this picture I felt a state of relaxed balance.  This is what this piece is about to me.

On the bottom right in a surreal manner, I captured an hourglass, can you see the sand dripping out? this is to remind me about the illusion of time.

Painting process

I find it freeing to realize that in this particular moment we have all the time in the world. There will never be more than a second ago.

Gliding process

CLEMATIS 14” x 20”; 36cm x 51cm
Original watercolor painting on 100% cotton paper with 23kt gilded design.
